Well there’s a multitude of reasons…..… MORE

Well there’s a multitude of reasons…..… MORE
Today is THE day. The day most of the country absolutely dreads. Its….TAX DAY!!!!!!… MORE
The Kat Country 103 Workday Payday is on! Now the question is – what do you do with all that money when you win it? Here are a few things you can get for a $1000 if you chose to “treat yo’self”!… MORE
There is never a good time for unexpected bills. I owe Uncle Sam this year so of course it was a great time to find out I was going to have to go thousands of dollars out of pocket because she apparently hasn’t been flossing… and then, depression set in. Oh how nice it would…… MORE
T minus one day until Blake Shelton drops his new studio album, Texoma Shore, on Nov. 3. Blake has already given fans a taste of three songs from the new album: “I’ll Name the Dogs,” “At the House” and “Turnin’ Me On.” Blake is keeping the partying going today (Nov. 2) with the release of…… MORE
Did your parents ever have to bribe you to do things and what did they use to bribe you? Not that we were so bad about going to church, but as kids we knew that after church on Sundays we’d be stopping at Winchell’s or Dunkin’ Donuts and that was enough incentive for us to…… MORE