Tag Archives: KAT COUNTRY 103

Gender Neutral Bathrooms, Expect To See More Of Them

Gender Neutral Bathrooms, Expect To See More Of Them

I was in a Subway the other day and for the first time I saw this on the door. When I was a kid growing up in the 1980’s this wasn’t fathomable. Starbucks has already doing this and now it’s becoming more prevalent. Whichever side of the gender identity debate you fall on, this seems like…MORE

Write a Poem For Jake Owen!

Write a Poem For Jake Owen!

 Kat Country 103 is encouraging the dilettante in all of us with “Write a Poem for Jake Owen”.  Your Prosaic Sonnet or Haiku could mean Jake Owen tickets for you! To win… listen to DJ Walker every morning! Good Luck & Thanks For Listening!MORE

Cooling Centers in Kat Country

Cooling Centers in Kat Country

It’s Super Hot and some of your family or friends may need a place to get out of the crazy heat. Thanks to the Modesto Bee here’s a list of local Cooling Centers. Stay Safe, Be Cool, Thanks for listening!MORE
