So, last night I came home to a very odd situation. (Side note: For those of you who don’t know, I take care of my mom who is 70, full time. She is a doll, but after last night, I now know where I get my clumsiness from!)… MORE
So, last night I came home to a very odd situation. (Side note: For those of you who don’t know, I take care of my mom who is 70, full time. She is a doll, but after last night, I now know where I get my clumsiness from!)… MORE
Dog owners and dog lovers alike are using the day as an opportunity to flood the internet with pictures and videos of their furry friends, and I am right on board with that!!! I mean look at that derpy face!!!! How can you NOT celebrate National Puppy Day?!?!? Mood…… This…… MORE
When I was a kid, I had A LOT of fears, but one that has always stuck out was the time my mom (AKA “The Bean”) told me to NEVER push the button on the gear shift in cars. She has this dramatic way about her anyway, (Which made for GREAT story telling!) so…… MORE
I cannot even begin to tell you how cringey this post is for me! Food and I have a weird relationship. I LOVE it. I love to eat, and its a very social thing for me (says the chubby, chatty girl in the room!). I also use it to sublimate my emotions, but that’s…… MORE
**This picture is an accurate representation of how I will look tomorrow night, sitting at home, in my jammies, on my couch, alone….. #JustSayin ** So, if you haven’t heard, tomorrow is my birthday. Its not one of those milestone birthday’s, but its still a doozie! I’m turning 41 (OH EM GEE!!) and its…… MORE
I saw this thread on Twitter over the weekend and it made laugh, and freak out all at the same time. So let’s get real. Let’s talk about that weird stuff that totally makes us scared to death. Phobias (do NOT throw down that you’re afraid of spiders, cause honestly, who isn’t?!). I’m talking…… MORE
We have all lied to our parents through out the course of our lives. Except me. I never ever told a lie to my parents. I was the epitome of perfection. An angelic creation that could not be duplicated. In fact, my parents often remind me of how truly amazing I was a child.…… MORE
I love movies! I have seen so many that I can hardly keep track of them. The suspense. The horror. The laughter. The romance. (I mean, does it get any better than Julia Roberts standing in front of Hugh Grant uttering the line, “I’m just a girl standing in front of a boy, asking…… MORE