Saturdays 10am-3pm
Melissa McConnell Blog

You definitely have a say if you are registered to vote — but the deadline is coming up fast to register. OCT. 22ND is the deadline for postmarked mailed or online applications. And if you’re voting by mail, the ballot’s gotta be there by OCT. 30TH. (Some cities have a drop off box our front of…… MORE

Hmmm, what to do with $1,000.00?
Speaking of the Workday Payday, the boss said, “So, what would you do with an extra 1,000 bucks?”(If I could win, which I can’t, but) the first things that came to mind: 1. Enjoy the feel of that much cash in my hand at once! 2. Resist the urge to spend it all on Lottery…… MORE

Bad News for All Who Shop at Toys R Us (who hasn’t?)
Sorry to say, after over 60 years, they’re out of business! Closing and selling out the stores, and the online site will stay up for 30 days. Toys R Us gift cards good for the next 30 days. IF YOU HAVE A TOYS R US GIFTCARD, get to a store and redeem it before they…… MORE

Better Before or After…?
Valentine’s Day is this week… The day that celebrates Romance can suck for singles, but if it’s-all-over-but-the-shouting, a relationship expert makes the case for Breaking Up Before Valentine’s Day. (BTW, 53% of Women surveyed said they’d break up with their main squeeze for forgetting Valentine’s Day.) http://www.chicagotribune.com/lifestyles/sc-fam-valentines-day-break-up-0206-story.html So, if you’re there, what’s better? Go through V-Day…… MORE

“Hey, Kids – don’t’ eat those, eat these!”
So, the answer for donut shops in Missouri, Arizona, Oklahoma, Kansas, North Carolina & more to the potentially deadly social media “Tide Pod Challenge”, is to offer sweet reproductions that look just like them – to eat! What…? See article below Donut Shops Everywhere Are Rolling Out Tide Pod Donuts… MORE

No Special Glasses Required
A “Cosmic Trifecta”: Not just a Blue (2nd full in a month) Moon or a Blood (total eclipse of the) Moon or even a Super (closet to the earth) Moon — but ALL THREE tonight! (well, 3:48AM) And the West is the best place to see the whole thing. The first Blue+Blood Moon visible in…… MORE

Say it with… Camels?
Camels and Sloths and Llamas, Oh My! Shopping for that perfect gift to say “I Love You” on Valentine’s Day? This display had shelves of stuffed CAMELS, SLOTHS and LLAMAS — really? I mean, I get the cuddly koala bears and monkeys, but wonder what the message is when your Valentine opens the package to a…… MORE