Category Archives: KAT Blog

Can You Steal Your Neighbor’s Birds?

Can You Steal Your Neighbor’s Birds?

We just moved to a new place and our neighbor has a hummingbird feeder.  I love watching those lil’ maniac buzz around – wings flappin’ a mile a minute – they hover there suckin’ the nectar goofy lil’ bird flask. The princess says – we need toMORE

Do You Let Your Dog Lick Your Plate?

Do You Let Your Dog Lick Your Plate?

We posted a poll on the Kat Facebook page about dishwashers.  We were curious if you “Pre-wash” your dishes before they go into the dishwasher or just chuck ’em in there and let the machine do it’s magic. The poll is up for a few more days – but the early returns – showMORE
