Category Archives: KAT Blog

Does an Engagement Ring Have To Be a Diamond?

Does an Engagement Ring Have To Be a Diamond?

Does an Engagement Ring Have To Be a Diamond? I just got a text from a buddy of mine asking me that. He says he can get something that’s just as nice for half the price if he gets aMORE

The Unruly Neighbor…Got One?

The Unruly Neighbor…Got One?

Do you have an unruly neighbor that gets under your skin? We have a guy that rolls through our apartment complex on hisMORE

Strangest Thing in Your Kids’ Trick or Treat Bag?

Strangest Thing in Your Kids’ Trick or Treat Bag?

Halloween came and went without a hitch.  The Princess made trick or treat rounds with a friend of ours and their band of young’uns. After covering a lot of ground in several surrounding neighborhoods – they were back at the house going through their haul and found some strangeMORE

Should We Move Halloween?

Should We Move Halloween?

Is it bad that Halloween is always on October 31st no matter what?  Sometimes it feels that way, especially on a year like this, where it falls on a Wednesday.  Wouldn’t it be betterMORE
