I’d Still Do THIS If I Was Rich

I did something I have vowed many times NEVER to do…I went to Walmart at 7:30 in the evening. Everyone was there…I mean EVERYONE in the valley was at this Walmart.  The lines were insane – and still only a handful of registers were open.

photo courtesy of pixabay

As the princess and I stood in line – she says to me, “If you were rich – you wouldn’t have to shop here.”

I thought…I would still shop at Walmart if I was loaded!  But it got me thinking about all the things I would still do if I was rich…like:

  • Complain about the things The Princess buys….
  • Order off the dollar menu at McDonalds…
  • ….and pay the minimum on my student loans – in hope that I die before the government gets paid off.

I’m certain I’d make all the same terrible decisions I currently make but with a much higher budget.

What would you still do if you were rich?
