Your personal brand is the most stupid way in which you’ve hurt yourself…
When you’re a kid, you do some pretty dumb stuff, right? I mean what on Earth made us think we could get away with them? What made us think we were invincible? I guess that is the beauty of being young. The belief that we are immortal and can somehow heal ourselves like some comic book super hero!
I have this irrational fear of broken bones. So stairs, running, figure skating, all scare me to death! I’m so weird…
So as I was thinking about what stupid injury I could confess to you, the dumbest one that came to mind was the time my dad asked me to put another Duraflame in the fireplace. Seems harmless right? Nah, not for yours truly. This was one of those enclosed old-timey fireplaces that had a door with a handle on it so you could lock it closed. I opened the door with the handle, stuck the log inside and like AN IDIOT, rather than use the handle….I put my entire hand on the front of the door (fire has been burning for HOURS y’all !!!) and proceed to close the door. Needless to say, my hand was stuck to the door and the smell….well, I imagine its what the planet would smell like if we had a zombie apocalypse. Then came the SEARING pain.
So dumb….
Go ahead…tell us your dumbest injury and get it off your chest.