Here’s How To Tell If You Bought Fake Solar Eclipse Glasses

America will be treated to an eclipse Monday. KAT Country is not in the path of totality where the moon will completely cover our view of the sun (as depicted in the illustration). That path of totality will stretch from Oregon to South Carolina. PLEASE make sure your kids understand the consequences of looking at the eclipse without proper protective eyewear. Even your pet’s eyes can be severely damaged looking at the eclipse. Matter of fact, there’s concern that FAKE eclipse glasses have been sold and using them will NOT protect you. I found this article in Country Living about how to tell if your glasses are authentic or dangerous fakes. (Basically, when staring at the sun through safe solar eclipse glasses, the sun should appear comfortably bright like the full moon.) You can read it by CLICKING HERE. CNET also has a good article on this. READ IT HERE. -Scott Simon

Photo credit: Pixabay
