Do You Let Your Dog Lick Your Plate?

We posted a poll on the Kat Facebook page about dishwashers.  We were curious if you “Pre-wash” your dishes before they go into the dishwasher or just chuck ’em in there and let the machine do it’s magic.

The poll is up for a few more days – but the early returns – show Pre-Wash with a huge lead taking 70% of the vote. But some of the “Pre-wash” folks left some interesting

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comments.  They said they:

“Let their DOG LICK THE PLATES – then put ’em in the dishwasher!”

Here’s a sample of the comments:

Jennifer’ says, “My Beagle – Dixie Lu pre-washes all of our dishes.”

Josh is in – he says, “I pre-wash with dog assistance.”

and Dwayne says, “Some times his dog licks the plates so clean they could go straight back into the cupboard.”

Remember than the next time you’re ’round to Dwayne’s for dinner.

So what’s your take on a dog lapping your fine china?  Would you or do you let your dog lick your plate?

Please share…we have to know.
