I have taken an unofficial poll among my friend and family to find out what the RIGHT way to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is……here are my findings:
I am what I like to call a peanut butter and jelly expert. I have eaten them since the dawn of my life and feel I am HIGHLY qualified to discuss such a matter of importance like this.
Peanut butter AND jelly on the same side; WRONG.
Peanut butter on on slice and jelly on the other slice; WRONG as well.
Peanut butter on BOTH sides with jelly on top of one side; RIGHT!
So go ahead, tell me what is the RIGHT way to make a pb & j sammich?
Also, I MUST add an addendum……peanut butter and jelly just doesn’t taste as good on wheat bread (as shown above…also, thanks Genova bakery for the amazing bread)! Fight me.