If the Guy That Named Walkie Talkies Named EVERYTHING

Do you find the names for things a little ridiculous?  Take the hand-held, portable, two-way radio transceiver – development during the Second World War and first

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used for infantry – then for field artillery and tank units.  After the war, these devices spread to public safety and eventually commercial and jobsite work.

This device is a…

Walkie Talkie

What a silly name for something so technical and created for wartime.  Imagine if the guy that named the “Walkie Talkie” named everything.

  • Stamps = Lickie Stickies
  • Defibrilators = Heartie Starties
  • Bumble Bees = Fuzzy Buzzies
  • Pregnancy Tests = Maybe Babies
  • Bras = Breastie Nesties
  • Forks = Stabbie Grabbies
  • Socks = Feetie Heaties
  • Hippos = Bloatie Floaties
  • Nightmares = Screamie Dreamies

Ah how much more fun the English language would be…childish – but fun!

Can you think of any others?
