Speaking of the Workday Payday, the boss said, “So, what would you do with an extra 1,000 bucks?”(If I could win, which I can’t, but) the first things that came to mind:
1. Enjoy the feel of that much cash in my hand at once!
2. Resist the urge to spend it all on Lottery tickets (!)
Then, I’d get real and probably spend it on a new Surface Pro. That 5 year old model still works, but belongs in a museum. Either that, or make road trip plans for as many days and miles I could stretch out of a grand. It would be fun trying to decide…
So, what would you do with an extra thousand bucks? Find yourself in that happy dilemma if you win the Workday Payday! Listen to KAT Country 103 every weekday @ 6am, 9am, noon and 3pm for the national keyword, pull over and text it to 95819. Then you’re entered to win $1000 – 4 chances a day! Win your Workday Payday weekdays on KAT Country 103!