I’m the new guy here at Kat Country 103 and I’m new to Northern California, so everyone is always asking where I’m from originally. The answer is:
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Toledo, Ohio
I know – I know…Yawn – the midwest.
So every time I tell someone that – they say…”Oh Yea. I know Toledo – Corporal Klinger, right!”
Yes – Jamie Farr – the Cross-Dressing Corporal from the TV series M*A*S*H* put us on the map back in the 70s & 80s. But for the record – we are also the home of Libby Glass and Toledo Scales. There is a good chance you’re drinking out of something from “The Glass City” or you’ve stepped on one of our scales.
photo courtesy of pixabay
So lets hear it – it’s time to brag about where are you from? What is your city known for? It can be right here in Kat Country – Or somewhere else in the world.
There’s one I know already….every time I meet someone from Lodi – they tell me they are the Zinfandel Capital of the world.