My Birthday Bucket List


**This picture is an accurate representation of how I will look tomorrow night, sitting at home, in my jammies, on my couch, alone….. #JustSayin **


So, if you haven’t heard, tomorrow is my birthday. Its not one of those milestone birthday’s, but its still a doozie! I’m turning 41 (OH EM GEE!!) and its so weird, because turning 40 felt so much easier than 41 is currently feeling. What the heck?!?!

I have been in a funk all week long. I have made mistakes at work, I have tripped more times than I can count, and I have bonked into doors, walls, and anything else you can think of!! I have been extra sensitive, and have walked away from more days this week with my feelings hurt than I care to admit.

Its hard not to think about all of the things you haven’t done since you’ve been alive. Am I the only one who sits in those quiet times and worries about the might have been’s, and the what if’s? #Brutal

I’m turning 41, I’ve been divorced, I don’t have any kids, don’t own a home, drive my mom’s car, and JUST started a 401K. Eeeek! #AdultingIsHard

Then it hit me, 41 is not dead!! I have PLENTY of time to accomplish all the things I want to.  Honestly, 40 has been pretty amazing! I feel the best I have ever felt. I have found a confidence I never knew I had. I have my health (Mostly…). Both of my parents (and a wonderful step mom) are still with me AND I have the best job in the world, in my hometown!


Sooo maybe I haven’t found Mr, Wonderful yet, but is that really the “be all end all”?! Nah. Good things come in time.


So to celebrate, I thought it might be fun to list a few of those “Bucket List” items I have always wanted to do:

  1. Fly a plane
  2. Hold a baby monkey
  3. Buy a big ole used truck
  4. Go to Europe and have an “Eat, Pray Love” moment (hahahaha)
  5. Be on a tv show
  6. Write a children’s book
  7. Give a TED Talk


I have a MILLION more but those were the best ones I thought. Tell me what is on your bucket list?


