Modesto’s Kendall Wesenberg is Going For The Gold!
Posted on February 13, 2018
Photo Credit @mollychoma / Kendall Wesenberg
She’s Sliding From Modesto to Pyeongchang!!
Kendall Wesenberg grew up in Modesto, went to Central Catholic High School and then on to the University of Colorado at Boulder.
She’s in the Women’s Skeleton. If you’re unfamiliar with the Skeleton, it’s like the Luge… but on your stomach, head first!!!
Just imagine hurdling down the ice, no brakes, with your chin only inches off the ice, hitting speeds upwards of 90mph and pulling up to 5g in the turns,
all while trying to keep yourself straight and as aerodynamic as possible! WOW!
If you’re following the Olympics, you can watch Kendall do her thing Feb. 16th & 17th.