What question should you NEVER ask your spouse?


Before we get started, I need to be fully transparent. MOST of you know, I am the resident single girl here at Kat Country (which is super awesome…said no one ever), so this question kinda doesn’t really apply to me.


However, in my old age, I have not arrived at that weird, cranky, cynical phase where I feel like an old maid. Cause I don’t. Yet.


I’m  truly elated for couples who are happy and doing well in their relationships, and truth be told, I still feel like there is an AWESOME dude out there for me. (Dear GOD, where is he for gosh sake?!) I am perfectly happy on my own, being all independent, and empowered to do whatever I want. Like eat a bowl of cereal, in holey sweats and my dad’s old tee shirt, in the dark, scrolling through Facebook at all my friends who are super happy and stuff. :\


Whoa! Kinda went took a tributary there, sorry.  Moving right along. The moral of the story here is, as veteran married folks, what questions would you say are absolute NO-NO’s to ask your spouse?


P.S Don’t worry about me guys, seriously…I’m fine.  (Pass the frosted flakes please….)


