Carrie Underwood was recently pulled over for speeding and says she’s “so ashamed”. The police let her go with a warning. This was her first run in with the law…ever. She’s 34. How lame!
I can remember my first run in with the law – a buddy of mine and I had the police called on us over a prank phone call.

We were in 6th grade!
Carrie Underwood we were not…but we did get off relatively unscathed – just a several month long grounding and loss of phone privileges. I thought I was going away for 20 to life. It was one of the most frightening things that has ever happened to me. Needless to say – after that we only used the phone to make legit phone calls.
Do you remember your first run in with the law? Did you learn your lesson? Lets hear about it.