How Many Holes Does A Straw Have?

I saw this bouncing around the internet today.  It’s a seemingly simple question is making people nuts on twitter and have come to the realization this is going to bother me all day.  The Question:  How many holes does a straw have?

So?  How many holes DOES a straw have?  One…right?  Or is it two?

Here are some of the responses:

“I FEEL LIKE this question makes me question how to define a hole.”

“A hole is an opening contained within something right?  and the two ends of a straw isn’t… a hole…. in something…… it just……. is???”

“Straws have one hole. would you say a donut has 2 holes?  No!”

“A straw is just a long plastic donut. its not long enough to get away with having 2 holes. Humans are long enough donuts to have 2 holes, humans even have several holes. Straws are not human length”

Or there’s this one – that might possibly be my fave:

“A straw has zero holes but is instead an infinitely flat plane folded onto itself.”

I think my head is about to explode.  So again i ask you – how many holes does a straw have?  Please Discuss.
