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What’s On Your Bucket List?

If You Had “One Last Shot” To “Live Like You Were Dying,” What Would You Do?

Kip Moore’s new song “One Last Shot” really hit home for me. The video is amazingly heartbreaking, I’ve posted the link for you to check out. Featuring four life long friends who pull together to grant their friend a life long wish. What do you say in that situation? I’m at a loss for words and hurt due to a situation very similar and close to me. Asking the question, “what’s on your bucket list?” If you were “To Live Like You Were Dying” what would you want to do? And being close to that situation it has made me look at my own life and asked myself that question. With the thought, why wait? I should be living my life that way now. So I’m just curious, what would you do and what are you waiting for? Because the sad realization is, many people may be to sick to even experience half the items on their list. Don’t wait! Here’s my list…

1.Spend more quality time with my family and friends

2. Snowboarding, I have always wanted to but I’ve never had the time

3. We live in California and I have never learned to surf either!

4.Just like Tim McGraw said, “I’d go skydiving”

5.I’d visit every tropical location I could and sit on the beach

6.I feel the need for speed. I need to drive a race car at least once in my life

7.I’d finally get a tattoo

8.wear a pink mohawk

9. I have always wanted to see Austrailia

10.Visit every place I could that was featured on “Man Vs. Food!”




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