I’m a huge fan of mid-century furniture so if you frequent thrift stores, estate sales or garage sales here in the San Joaquin Valley you’re likely to run into me at some point. In my travels I’ve found some very cool items like the standing ashtray that resembles the space needle in Seattle which I imagine was stationed in a hotel lobby in Seattle or perhaps Houston, home of NASA’s Mission Control. I’ve also run across some very weird items like the can of “dehydrated water” you see above. Just empty the contents into a one gallon bucket of water, stir, chill and serve. Mmm, tasty. Probably someone who used to own a can factory back in the day was looking for a way to dispatch of his or her surplus and got the bright idea. I imagine it ended up on a shelf in a gag store somewhere right next to the pet rocks. Obviously the idea wasn’t that bright or you would have heard of it before now. I wonder if that makes it more valuable. In that case I probably should have bought it but my garage is already full of crap I’ll never use again.